“From Monday, June 1st, we will open the outdoor swimming pool on Kraví hora. In case of very bad weather, we will postpone the opening, but we hope it won’t be necessary,” announced Brno-Centre District Council, the operator of the pool, earlier today. Photo credit: MC Brno-Stred.
Brno, May 22 (BD) – The pool will be open from 7am for early morning swimming on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; on other days the complex will open from 9am. The pool will close every day at 9pm.
Visitors to the pool will have to maintain the hygiene measures recommended by the government. Up-to-date information on the rules will always be on display at the entrance and at selected places around the complex. “The number of visitors will be limited to 300 people, including staff. The whole area has undergone a thorough disinfection and is ready for operation,” said Katerina Dobesova, spokeswoman for Brno-Centre District Council.

Two beach volleyball courts and two playgrounds with artificial surfaces will also be ready for sporting activities. Both slides have been renovated, and have now a high-quality resin surface.
“The indoor pool hall is currently closed and will open at the end of June. Necessary modifications and repairs of lighting and stainless steel elements in the whirlpool are currently underway,” added Dobesova.