The installation was first displayed to the public in August 2018 on Malinovskeho namesti, and should remain in its new location for at least two years. Its main goal is to demonstrate the collection and subsequent ecological distribution of rainwater. Photo credit: Brno Daily.
Brno, Jun 21 (BD) – On Tuesday, June 16, an eco-friendly prototype installation that uses excess rainwater to improve the climate in its surroundings was moved to a new home at the entrance of the Brno Exhibition Centre. The opening ceremony was attended by First Deputy Mayor Peter Hladik (KDU-CSL).
The City Cell Prototype (CCP) was developed by architects from NEXT Institute and KOGAA Studio, and first displayed to the public on Malinovskeho namesti in August 2018. The construction collects rainwater and recycles it to manage heat stress and water loss in its immediate environment. The CCP has a built-in irrigation system, directing water into a biofilter that uses microorganisms to remove impurities. The water is then stored in tanks, before being pumped to hanging plants by means of drip irrigation. Thanks to the plants and evaporation, the microclimate of the cell and its immediate surroundings is improved.

The cell is now located between the stairs at the exhibition centre, by the Výstaviště – main entrance tram stop, where it will remain for at least two years.