DPMB have offered some insights into the first month of the new “Beep & Go” system. In July, over 200,000 tickets were purchased by “beeping”, of which 90% were simple tickets without further adjustments to the ticket type. Photo credit: CG / Brno Daily.
Brno, Aug 3 (BD) – It has been a month since the new “Beep & Go” system came into operation on Brno trams and buses. Instead of having to buy a ticket, passengers can now just beep their cards against the validator. According to the Brno Transport Company (DPMB), over 200,000 tickets have been bought via the new system since it was introduced.

Ticket machines and pre-sold tickets saw a decrease in sales of 10%. “The interest in the new method of buying tickets has exceeded our expectations, and we are glad that passengers are getting used to the system quickly,” said Miloš Havránek, CEO of DMPB.
According to DPMB, 90% of the tickets purchased by beeping were simple single fares, without the addition of an extra ticket for a fellow passenger, a discount, or a multi-zone ticket.