Every year on August 15th, Brno marks the anniversary of the city’s famous, successful defence against the Swedish incursion in the 17th century. Known as Brno Day, the anniversary celebrations are approaching this weekend, with numerous activities taking place around this city as part of the festivities. Photo credit: Michal Růžička / TIC Brno.
Brno, Aug 12 (BD) – This year, the annual celebration marking the anniversary of the defence of the city against Swedish troops will take place from August 14th-16th. This event serves as a traditional reminder of this great historic victory for the city, which took place 375 years ago this year. A special event coinciding with this year’s celebrations will be the unveiling on Saturday morning of a statue of Father Martin Středa, a Jesuit Priest, at the Church of Assumption of the Virgin Mary [Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie] on Jezuitská.
“Father Martin Středa is undoubtedly an important figure in the history of Brno, and therefore it is appropriate that the Sculpture for Brno project will honor and celebrate him. The completion and delivery of the artwork was delayed by the coronavirus pandemic, which led us to combine its ceremonial unveiling with Brno Day, an important city celebration that this year commemorates 375 years since the historical event,” said Mayor of Brno Markéta Vaňková.

The program for the weekend is being prepared by the Brno Tourist Information Centre (TIC), the Diocese of Brno and the Society of 1645. “The city celebration combines the attractive spectacle of historical armoured uniforms with the spiritual dimension of religious services and the legacy of Father Středa,” said Jana Janulíková, director of TIC Brno.
The events are organised for all and include child-friendly activities. The program will include five special guided tours of Brno churches, including a chance to see the glass tomb of Martin Středa, as well as a walk around Petrov for children.
The tours and other activities will be in Czech, but all spectators can look forward to historical parades in the city centre with soldiers and horses. For the detailed schedule of Brno Day 2020, visit the official website.