A UV lamp will be installed to purify the water at the Lužánky municipal swimming pool, supplied and installed by the Brno company Lifetech. The lamp will be installed by the end of this year. Photo credit: KK / Brno Daily.
Brno, Oct 29 (BD) – The UV lamp is used to purify pool water and increase its quality. The UV radiation effectively and ecologically destroys bacteria, fungi and viruses and significantly reduces the composition of other disinfectants.
It is a common part of the modern engine rooms of newly built pools and swimming pools. In Brno, this method of cleaning is used in the vast majority of pools.
“Until now, the Lužánky municipal swimming pool has cleaned the water with the help of disinfectants. The new UV lamp will not only ensure better water purification, but will also reduce operating costs. Thanks to the new cleaning technology, we will save about CZK 150,000 a year,” said Jaroslav Suchý (KDU-ČSL), Council Member for Education and Sports. The cost of delivery and installation of the UV lamp is nearly CZK 1 million.