The Brno-střed District budget for this year will divert a large portion of expenditure towards maintenance costs and housing repairs, as well as new investment projects including the reconstruction of the parks at Moravské náměstí and Nové sady. Photo credit: KB / BD.
Brno, Jan 20 (BD) – Representatives of the Brno-střed district have presented the budget for 2021, with total expenditure of CZK 524 million and expected revenues of CZK 489 million. Despite a significant reduction in revenue, spending cuts from last year have allowed the budget to cover all operational costs for this year.
The 2021 budget will fund repairs to the housing stock and the cleaning of public spaces, and also includes CZK 107 million of funding for investment projects. The expected revenue for this year is negatively affected by the decrease in local taxes of CZK 7.2 million.
The City of Brno approved a subsidy of CZK 202 million to the Brno-střed District for 2021, almost CZK 11 million less than last year. According to Tomáš Matejov, Head of the district Economic Department, this subsidy is the most significant source of revenue in the district’s budget.
According to Vojtěch Mencl (ODS), Mayor of the Brno-střed district, reconstruction of the park at Moravské náměstí will take place in cooperation with the City of Brno, which has approved CZK 60.5 million in funding to accompany the district’s contribution of CZK 5.8 million.
CZK 28.1 million has been allocated towards green maintenance, and over CZK 69 million will cover maintenance costs of sidewalks, roads and the cleaning of public areas, according to 1st Deputy Mayor Martin Landa (ANO), responsible for the environment. Reconstruction of the park in Nové sady will be completed and the land above Žižkova will be revitalized.

An extension of the courtyard at Antonínská primary will also begin, and CZK 35.5 million will be allocated for repairs and reconstruction of school facilities, according to 2nd Deputy Mayor Michaela Dumbrovská (KDU-CSL), responsible for education.
Martin Schwab (ANO), Council Member for sport and tourism, said that if the situation allows, the district wants to introduce children’s gymnastics in primary schools and kindergartens. The district also supports the reconstruction of the Kraví hora recreational area and construction of a CZK 4.5 million wellness centre in 2021.
Separate accounts are kept for so-called “secondary economic activity”, including housing management, renting of flats, non-residential premises and repairs of apartment buildings. The district approved CZK 229 million for repairs. Roman Kotěra (ODS), 3rd Deputy Mayor responsible for budget and financing, said that CZK 339 million in revenue is expected this year. The reconstruction of apartment buildings at Vídeňská 11 and Nádražní 4 are the most significant investment projects planned.