A burnt-out and partially-demolished building at the foot of Kravi Hora, which previously housed a military canteen, has been transformed into a 3,000 square metre recreational area for the public, Kadetka Park, which opened yesterday. The clearing of the building and transformation of the space took just 63 days. Photo credit: Marie Schmerkova / MMB.
Brno, Oct 20 (BD) – Following just 63 days of work, Brno has a new public park. The site of the former military canteen at the foot of Kravi Hora has been transformed into Kadetka Park, a 3,000 square metre recreational area with outdoor fitness facilities and public grills. The park was opened yesterday, and is now available for public use.
Brno Mayor Marketa Vankova (ODS) said the redevelopment of the burnt-out and partially demolished brownfield site went mostly according to plan: “It began with the removal of overgrown trees and the thorough treatment of those that have been preserved. This was followed by the demolition of the former canteen building, which had not been used for almost 30 years, followed by landscaping, the creation of entrances and the construction of a staircase.”
In addition, almost 40 new trees were planted in the new park, namely babyka and milk maples, full-flowering bird cherries and hornbeams, and 139 mature hornbeam shrubs standing over two metres. Lawns and flower patches were also created, and planted with 300 daffodils.

Finally, furniture was installed, including beamed tables, benches, bike racks, outdoor fitness equipment, grills and trash cans. According to the Mayor of Brno-Stred, Vojtech Mencl (ODS), all the work was completed at the beginning of July, but the area was left fenced and inaccessible to allow the newly established grassy areas to bed in.
The brownfield revitalization was carried out by DIRS Brno, s.r.o., and cost CZK 9.2 million. The price includes care of the wooded plants over the next 36 months. Almost half of the amount will be covered by subsidies from the Ministry of Regional Development. The City of Brno and the Brno-Stred District have contributed just under CZK 3 million each. The district council will manage the facility.