Brno’s Goose on a String Theatre is presenting an adaptation of Cervantes’ masterpiece on 17 October. Credit: Divadlo Husa na Provazku.
Brno, 13 Oct (BD) – Classics are classics because they are, above everything, universal. What might be the first ever written novel in Europe, Cervantes’s Don Quixote will have one more chance to prove itself as one of the greatest stories we continue to tell each other despite where, when, and in this case, even how.

Brno’s Goose on a String Theatre (Divadlo Husa na Provazku) on Zelný Trh is presenting an adaptation of Cervantes’ masterpiece next week, on 17 October. Directed by dramatist Jan Mikulášek, one of the most celebrated current theatre directors and principal director at Prague’s Divadlo Na zábradlí, and conceived by Martin Sládeček, this adaptation of Don Quixote is, at least, refreshing.

Set in Modern Age Europe, the public will be amused and left to wonder “Is Don Quixote a madman who cannot see reality? A genius who is the only one to recognise it? A left-wing activist refusing to accept it? Or is he a contemporary of ours, we who are living 400 years later in an era in which – in the words of the philosopher Baudrillard – reality does not exist?”

For more information and tickets, see the theatre’s website.
“This article was amended at 12pm on 13 October to clarify that the English-friendly performance will be on 17 October, rather than 16 October as originally stated.”