Credit: Kam v Brne

Latest Edition of KAM v Brně/WHERE in Brno Out Now!

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Feeling a little down? Seems bleak outside? We know where to find the colour in the city! We recommend checking out the latest edition of the cultural magazine KAM v Brně (WHERE in Brno), with its dedicated English section at the back, which has plenty of tips on what to do in your free time! Go see some concerts in clubs, exhibitions in local galleries and theatre or film premieres. 

The February edition of WHERE also contains an interview with Jana Horváthová, director of the Museum of Romani Culture – we took a walk through the city and talked about Jana’s favourite places and much more. There is also a feature photo report called Secesní Brno about the most fascinating houses built around the beginning of the 20th century. If you are learning Czech, reading these articles could be great practice!

Where to find WHERE? At all the regular places like cultural institutions and restaurants, but we recommend subscribing. Do you want to support the creators of the magazine? You can have KAM v Brne/WHERE in Brno delivered straight to your mailbox every month. Get a subscription at

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