Researchers from the Mendel University Faculty of Horticulture (ZF MENDELU) are conducting research on the negative effects of extreme weather...
Legislation allows the hunting of beavers in specific cases under an approved procedure. Photo credit: MENDELU. Brno, June 18 (BD)...
Scientists from MENDELU’s Faculty of Agriculture are trying to replace the polymers used in wastewater treatment with natural-based substances. Photo...
The results of the project will mainly be used by forest owners interested in adapting the species composition of their...
The functional food will be created in cooperation with the company Pro-Bio, one of the largest producers of organic food...
Wild animals living in cities can transmit diseases and parasites to pets and humans, or in extreme situations attack a...
Due to the bark beetle calamity, which has hit the Czech Republic hard during the last 10 years and decimated...
Photo: Relics of the last building from the village of Hřibová, Jeseník district. Credit: MENDELU. Brno, July 12 (BD) –...
According to research by the Faculty of Operational Economics of the Mendel University in Brno (PEF MENDELU), most of the...
As an alternative narrative to the story of Little Red Riding Hood, Mendel University researchers are studying the diet of...
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