The virtual expedition of Brno Zoo is being expanded, with the addition of virtual reality films produced by the zoo...
Brno Zoo has been waiting for a new female red panda since April 2018, when the previous female bear died....
The City of Brno has again launched a range of sustainable, locally produced gifts, with the money raised contributing to...
The study hopes to obtain data about the reptiles’ post-nesting migration patterns, to help protect sea turtles in the region....
While the zoo has been closed since October 9th, there are still many ways to offer support. Adopting an animal...
Eating food fresh off the grill at the Brno Zoo is now possible, with access to a new public grill...
Visitors to the new exhibition created by Brno Zoo will be provided with virtual reality headsets and encouraged to get...
Despite a difficult year due to the coronavirus, Brno Zoo had a record number of visitors in the summer and...
Brno Zoo is organizing the traditional Spring Festival on Saturday 19 March. After two years when the zoo was closed...
On Friday, 1 April, Brno Zoo will celebrate International Bird Day with a competition for second-grade pupils of primary schools,...
Ferda, the oldest male orangutan in Europe and the second oldest in the world, has been put down at Usti...
The new aquarium at Brno Zoo is full of plastic, allowing visitors to see what ocean pollution really looks like....